Which of the following is a characteristic of gender? Question 1…

Which of the following is a characteristic of gender?

Question 1 options:

 It is based on physical traits.
 It refers to the biological characteristics with which we are born.
 It is based on social and cultural expectations.
 It influences our behavior but does not determine how we think or feel.


Question 2 (0.8 points)










One of the factors considered while calculating the Global Gender Gap Index is _____.

Question 2 options:


gender identity


marital status


religious affiliation


economic opportunity


Question 3 (0.8 points)










Which of the following is a key point of the conflict theory on gender and sexuality?

Question 3 options:

 Social construction of sexuality varies across cultures because of societal norms and values.
 Women’s inequality reflects their historical and current domination by men, especially in the workplace.
 Agreed-on sexual norms contribute to a society’s order and stability.
 Most societies regulate women’s, but not men’s, sexual behavior.


Question 4 (0.8 points)










Any group that may be treated differently and unequally because of the physical, cultural, linguistic, age-related, ability-related, or gendered characteristics is considered a(n) _____.

Question 4 options:

 minority group
 elite group


Question 5 (0.8 points)










Which of the following statements is true of acculturation?

Question 5 options:

 It does not include adopting the beliefs of the host culture.
 It does not include learning the language of the host culture.
 It does not include intermarriage with a member of the host culture.
 It does not include adopting the values of the host culture.


Question 6 (0.8 points)










In _____, minority groups maintain many aspects of their original culture while living peacefully with the host culture.

Question 6 options:



Question 7 (0.8 points)










Conforming to the dominant group’s culture, adopting its language and values, and intermarrying within the dominant group is called _____.

Question 7 options:



Question 8 (0.8 points)










Which is an example of genocide?

Question 8 options:

 World War II
 The French Revolution
 American Indian Wars
 The Civil War


Question 9 (0.8 points)










Which of the following statements is true of the gender pay gap?

Question 9 options:

 Women are paid less than men because they are generally less qualified than men in almost all fields.
 Beyond a certain designation, men and women receive equal pay for equal work.
 The average woman must work almost nine extra weeks every year to make the same wages as a man.
 Women receive half the pay men receive for the same work.


Question 10 (0.8 points)










Symbolic interactionists believe _____ are learned through family observation.

Question 10 options:

 functional sexism
 gender roles
 feminist theory


Question 11 (0.8 points)










______ is primarily concerned with physical characteristics inherited from one’s parents and grandparents.

Question 11 options:



Question 12 (0.8 points)










_____ is a fear and hatred of lesbians and gays.

Question 12 options:



Question 13 (0.8 points)










_____ is the term for male dominance in social structures, such as marriage and property laws which favor men.

Question 13 options:

 Liberal feminism


Question 14 (0.8 points)










Jackson’s family is Jewish. He is proud of his heritage and also identifies himself as a Jew. His self-identification is derived from his _____.

Question 14 options:










Question 15 (0.8 points)










Katie does not like wearing baggy pants because she thinks they do not look feminine. Katie’s opinion is based on her perception of _____.

Question 15 options:

 sexual script
 sexual orientation
 gender stratification


Question 16 (0.8 points)










Which of the following statements is true of pluralism?

Question 16 options:

 It is the highest in the dominant-minority group continuum in terms of intolerance.
 It is especially evident in urban areas with large racial and ethnic communities.
 It is the lowest in the dominant-minority group continuum in terms of equality.
 It creates a lot of friction between a minority group and the host culture.


Question 17 (0.8 points)










_____ refers to the biological characteristics with which we are born chromosomes, anatomy, hormones, and other physical and physiological attributes.

Question 17 options:










Question 18 (0.8 points)










Which of the following statements is true of dominant groups?

Question 18 options:

 They are physically indistinguishable.
 They are lower in social status than minority groups.
 They are not necessarily the largest in number.

They are not culturally distinctive.


Question 19 (0.8 points)










The stereotypical role of male as provider is considered a(n) __ role.

Question 19 options:



Question 20 (0.8 points)










Worldwide variation in the context of gender inequality and sexual oppression shows that:

Question 20 options:

 genetic mutation is the most significant factor in determining behavior.

social, cultural norms are not strong enough to overcome inherent human tendencies.

 behavior is learned, not innate.
 gender inequality is widespread in Third-World countries.


Question 21 (0.8 points)










Which of the following statements is true of stereotypes?

Question 21 options:

 They are easy to change.
 They distort reality.
 They are always negative.
 They are always positive.


Question 22 (0.8 points)










_____ would study ongoing strife between dominant and subordinate groups.

Question 22 options:

 Conflict theorists
 Symbolic interactionists


Question 23 (0.8 points)










_____ are social structures that enable people’s unequal access to wealth, power, status, prestige, opportunity, and other valued resources because of their sex.

Question 23 options:

 Virtual organizations
 Political action committees
 Total institutions
 Gendered institutions


Question 24 (0.8 points)










When Florence returned to her job from a four-month maternity leave, she found that she was not eligible for a promotion that year. According to functionalists, Florence’s _____ had deteriorated in this scenario.

Question 24 options:

 human capital
 expressive role


Question 25 (0.8 points)










Which of the following statements is true in the context of gender, family life, and work conflicts?

Question 25 options:

 Mothers spend more hours each week in paid work than do fathers.
 Mothers spend four hours a week, on an average, doing household repairs and maintenance.
 Fathers are much more likely than mothers to worry about not spending enough time with their children.
 Ninety-five percent of fathers say it is difficult to juggle work and family responsibility.


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