1. What does it mean to see the “general in the particular”?
2. What does it mean to see “the strange in the familiar”?
3. How does our social context shape our personal choices?
4. Those who live on the margins of society and/or survive a social crisis are more likely to see situations from a sociological perspective. What does this statement mean?
5. Why is it important to have a global awareness, i.e. what is the benefit in using the global perspective?
6. How can the sociological perspective be used by the greater society? For personal growth?
7. What is sociology? What is society?
8. Describe the difference between a micro-level study vs macro-level study
9. What does it mean to have a global perspective?
10. What is sociological imagination?
11. What is positivism?
12. What is the difference between the three theoretical approaches; Structural-functionalism, Conflict Theory, Symbolic-interactionism