10.According to IRS Publication 926,
a.Parents employed by their child cannot contribute to Social Security or Medicarenor can receive unemployment benefits
b.Might affect future retirement
c.Public assistance could be affected
d.All of the above
11.TRUE/FALSEThe responsibility of the Fiscal/Employer Agent include; Requesting and receiving themonthly budget, assigning provider ID numbers, paying service claims andemployertaxes.
12.An employee packet consists of:
a.Employee Information Form
b.W-4, I-9
c.Direct Deposit Form
d.Background Screening Clearance Lettere.Notarized Affidavit of Good Moral Character
f.All of the above
13.If a consumer states that they do nothave enough funding from their cost plan topurchase Transportation services to attend the Adult Day Training Program, what wouldthe Rep or Consultant suggest;
a.Reduce the rate of pay from one of the employees
b.Have family provide natural support to and from the program
c.Save additional funds to pay for the transportation
d.Reduce the # of hours from the Companion service
e.Any of the above
14.TRUE/FALSETheConsultantis responsible forassisting with the application and enrollment processfor new participants and submit all documents directly to the state office.