Role conflict is when roles conflict and or compete with each other. For example, the part of a full-time employee can compete with and even overlap that of being a good parent. Thus, prioritizing may be necessary to divide obligations evenly. Role strain is when one cannot meet their roles and responsibilities within society primarily because they are taking on too many roles at once. Logically speaking, some parts need to mesh better together. This could be something like being a parent who wishes to be “hip, cool, and friends” with their children but must refrain to a degree to keep the role of a parent in perspective. Thus, one must determine “what is and what is not acceptable” to accomplish this task while being practical and personable. When we fail to fulfill role obligations, we do dissatisfaction” to ourselves, those who may depend upon us, and society. This is because, in every mentioned category, culture is linked and formed. The social consequences that arise from unstable or unpredictable role performances according to a passage of scripture which reads: If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and he will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking. But when you ask him, be sure your faith is in God alone. Do not waver, for a person with divided loyalty is as unsettled as a wave of the sea blown and tossed by the wind. Such people should not expect to receive anything from the Lord. Their loyalty is divided between God and the world. They are unstable in everything they do.” Hence, a double mind is “having in mind opposite or opposing views at different times.” To be double-minded is the same as having a “double heart.” Again, we do dissatisfaction” to ourselves, those who may be depending upon us, and to society at large. (So that you know, I did not use scripture as a religious tool or to offend anyone. Instead, to highlight and defending my point regarding the asked question).
Role conflict and strain go hand in hand to a degree in society and universally. I say this because I must adjust and prioritize if my roles are conflicting and competing on any level/status set. Having to do so suggests that I am having difficulty meeting my roles and obligations, which is a role strain. Lastly, macro-structural factors that might be the root cause of persisting role conflict and stress in our culture are capitalistic organizations and corporations that build their wealth off the backs of society members and families at the expense of their sanity, well-being, and family/societal relationships.
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