
Isolation and loneliness plague several of the main characters in…

Isolation and loneliness plague several of the main characters in the novel “Frankenstien” by mary shelly.  Which characters suffer most from loneliness or isolation? Why? To what lengths will individual characters go to have a sense of family and belonging? Does having a family and a community solve all the difficulties faced by characters in […]

What manifestations of pathological behavior for the characters in…

What manifestations of pathological behavior for the characters in the movie mean girls? What is a possible diagnosis for the characters with justification in the movie mean girls (use current DSM diagnostic and ICD codes)? What is the psychological model (i.e., biological, cognitive) that best explains the cause of the symptoms/behaviors in the movie mean […]

The Landlady by Roald Dahl   Describe the plot and main characters…

The Landlady by Roald Dahl   Describe the plot and main characters What is the mystery? What are clues and suspects? Is there a detective? If so: What methods does the detective use to solve the crime? What are characteristics of the detective? What did you like or not like about this story or detective? […]

Explain the integrity of 2 characters from the “The Black Cat,” by…

Explain the integrity of 2 characters from the “The Black Cat,” by Edgar Allen Poe that display strong moral principles.   Explain in 300 words minimum (excluding quotations and citations) Include two properly and integrated quotations (one from each work) to support claims. You may use either direct or paraphrased quotes. 

  OUT OF MY MiND characters   1- Name of the person who took care…

  OUT OF MY MiND characters   1- Name of the person who took care of Melody every day after school.    2- This educator told Molly and Claire to remain standing as punishment for their rude and insensitive behavior.   3-This goldfish jumped out of its bowl and caused Melody to explode in panic. […]

Valedictorian by N.J. Jenimisn Explain the who are the characters,…

Valedictorian by N.J. Jenimisn Explain the who are the characters, plot, and setting of the story.  Why do you think the author created this setting? What point did they want to make about the world that we live in? What you would do if you lived in this world. You can imagine yourself as one […]

what characters from the Iliad appeared in the oddyssey? (Mark all…

what characters from the Iliad appeared in the oddyssey? (Mark all that apply) Achilles Agamemnon Ajax the Big Andromache Diomedes Hector Hecuba Helen Menelaus Nestor Odysseus Paris Patroclus Priam Thetis please DONT use chatgpt it will give wrong answer and only answer if you are 100% sure

Why are we so attracted to evil characters?  For example, there is…

Why are we so attracted to evil characters?  For example, there is the scene in The Dark Knight where The Joker goes to the meeting of all the chief criminals and puts a pencil through a man’s head.  And lots of people really liked this scene.  But why?  Darth Vader also had a dark appeal: […]