You are examining a postsynaptic neuron that has a resting membrane potential of -70 mV and a threshold of -55 mV. If an inhibitory presynaptic neuron creates an IPSP of -5 mV and two excitatory presynaptic neurons have EPSPs of 10 and 12 mV, will the postsynaptic neuron fire an action potential if all three pre-synaptic neurons fire at the same time? In your answer describe EPSPs, IPSPs, temporal or spatial summation as appropriate.
the word ” competition ” is derived from Latin word meaning ” to…
the word “competition” is derived from Latin word meaning “to strive together,” but most of us think of it as striving against. respond to the above statement. Think: Does this make sense to you? Why or why not? How could knowing the origin of the word change people’s behavior in competitive