Write your literary research on the story of one hour by kate chopin
When you’re writing a research paper about a literary work, you’re enhancing your understanding of the
work by considering what others think about it. By developing your insights in a research paper, you’re
contributing to the wealth of knowledge about a literary work that could influence the way others read
and interpret it.
Before you can weave other sources into your discussion, begin by observing what you find interesting
about the original text and what you want to say about it. The first step in understanding the part of the
text you found interesting is to summarize it. Then you will analyze the text by examining the literary
elements at work and the connection between them and textual features. Lastly, you will interpret the
literary work and include the secondary source(s) that will affect your interpretation. You will develop a thesis that communicates the interpretation of the text based on the literary analysis
of your own and other sources