- Who are the Aryans?
- What is the Arya-dharma?
- Define Jati
- What are the official castes of the Jati?
- What caste is not considered an official caste?
- What is the Ashrama?
- What are the stages of the ashrama? When does each stage begin and end?
- What Hindu teaching proscribes the role of women in Hinduism?
- In what category of Hindu scriptures will you find the Code of Manu?
- What are the main categories of Hindu scriptures?
- Define Shruti.
- Name the most important Shruti.
- Define Smriti.
- Name the three main examples of Smriti.
- Name the deities of the Hindu Trimurti (they represent absolute reality).
- Define samsara
- Define moksha
- Define atman
- Define Brahman-atman
- Define karma
- Define dharma
- Define Mandir
- Define Puja
- Define henotheism
- Who is the Hindu god of all creation?
- Name the two symbols associated with Hinduism
- When was Mahatma Ghandi assassinated?
- What did Mahatma Ghandi teach Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.?
- Is reincarnation the goal of Hinduism?
- Who are the “twice born?”
I need to write two or three things about a sympathetic character…
I need to write two or three things about a sympathetic character in the novel Circe by Madeline Miller, referring to 2 or three specific plots or something the character does to make them seem that way. I was stuck between Daedalus and Circe’s brother Aeetes. Help!