What are the differences between amylose, amylopectin and glycogen?
Describe structural differences, differences in our digestion or use of each of them and where each of these substances is found in nature.
How do we digest, absorb and metabolize any of the carbohydrates, lipids or proteins we’ve studied?
List the main component, origin, and role of each of the circulating lipoproteins: chylomicrons, VLDLs, LDLs, and HDLs. This could be in table form.
Be able to list the functions of proteins.
Why are plant sources of protein emphasized in the Dietary Guidelines for Americans? What benefit do these sources provide that makes them better than animal sources? As great as plant sources are, what special considerations are necessary for people who only use (vegans) or mainly use (vegetarians) plant sources to obtain their dietary protein? What benefit do animal sources of protein have that is lacking in plant sources?
Identify the carbohydrate, lipid and protein structures as carbohydrates, lipids or proteins.