Watch the Commencement Address by Admiral William H. McRaven at…

Watch the Commencement Address by Admiral William H. McRaven at University of Texas at Austin 2014:
Speaker: Naval Admiral William McRaven, the 9th commander of U.S. Special Operation Command; Distinguished Alumnus.
The Title of the Speech/the video: “If you want to change the world makes your bed”

Here is the link; Speech To Change Your Life Today! Admiral McRaven “Make Your Bed” Motivational Words Of Wisdom – YouTube

1. PURPOSE: What is the main purpose of the speech Explain (YOUR OPINION)?
2. AUDIENCE: Who is (are) the target audience? Is the speech referring ONLY to the graduation students? Who
else can benefit from these words? Explain why

3. ETHOS: How is the speaker establishing the credibility of his words? Will the audience trust the speaker? Why? / Explain.

4. PATHOS: How is the speaker appealing to his audiences’ emotions? What kind of emotions is the speaker
evoking in his audience?
5. LOGOS: How is the speech logical? It starts with a statement that anyone can change the world-does that
seem logical? How does the speaker (through his speech) make this statement seem logical/ possible?
6. KAIROS: (In persuasion this means “The right rhetorical situation: the right time/ right place/ right audience”)
Explain briefly if this was a powerful speech addressing graduating students on the day of their Graduation



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