- Understand how different types of value, namely instrumental and intrinsic, function in relation to the environment.
- Distinguish between the following views on the moral status of the environment: anthropocentrism, zoocentrism, and biocentrism.
- Explore implications that follow from individualist and holistic approaches to the environment.
- Evaluate the merits and shortcomings of traditional moral theories as they account for the environment.
- Apply a thesis statement by applying an ethical theory to two different environmental issues.
What does it mean to read the Bible theologically? Using the information from pages 2567-2568, (ATTACHED) summarize the key points. What do you hope to gain in
What does it mean to read the Bible theologically? Using the information from pages 2567-2568, (ATTACHED) summarize the key points. What do you hope to gain in the process of reading the Bible theolog