This is what I have so far.
D222: Comprehensive Health Assessment
D1. Health Promotion Justification
Trevor Parrick is a 42 year old male here for his annual assessment. He has a history of an aorta blood clot. His father had a history of congested heart failure and diabetes mellitis type 2. He passed away at the age of 65 year old do to complications. Trevor suffers from GERD and occasionally takes Prilosec. He lives at home with his wife and two young daughters. Trevor does not have any additional pertentint family health history.
One recommend health promotion activity is living an active lifestyle. Another health promotion activity is modifying his diet to control his cholesterol.
Justify your assessment findings that support the appropriateness of the two recommended health promotion activities.
After you have justified your assessment finding, Include the rationale for your chosen health promotion activities using evidence from two journal articles, one per health promotion activity, published within the last five years.
D2. SMART Goals
Formulate one goal for each health promotion activity for a total of two goals, using the specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, timely (SMART) format.