This class deals with 2 of the major branches of philosophy: Metaphysics and Epistemology. The former deals with questions concerning the nature and structure of reality, while the latter is concerned with the nature of knowledge and justification. In other words, what is real; what constitutes reality, and, how do you know; what is the criteria for knowing. The question of Self is a question, as Dennett has shown us, of referencing an aspect of reality. What is a self, does it take up space in the world, what are its necessary components, is it a unique phenomenom, does it change, can it be duplicated… When I say, “I am…” what is “I” referring to? Is the Self and the Soul the same thing, and if so, what is that thing? Does the Self constitute body, mind, brain, all, none…
With this in mind let’s move to the assignment.
Topic Question:
In your journal you may have talked about this, but here in this discussion, explain what the Self is to you. Is the Self physical, mental or spiritual and why? Or is it some combination? That is the metaphysical stance. After that, tell me how you justify that conclusion? That is the epistemology of the topic.