
Nondisjunction is the failure of homologous chromosomes or sister…

Nondisjunction is the failure of homologous chromosomes or sister chromatids to separate properly during cell division. What would be the effect on the number of chromosomes in sailetes que to non-disiunction? a) Some gametes will have all the chromosomes, while others will not have any chromosomes b) The gametes will have either too few or […]

What is the difference between homologous and analogous traits?…

What is the difference between homologous and analogous traits? What 4 factors are necessary for natural selection? List the steps of mitosis. List the two types of altruism discussed in class and give an example of an organism that displays each of type What is the complementary mRNA sequence for the following DNA sequence?  TAC […]

Independent assortment means: (CHOOSE ONLY ONE)   A. homologous…

Independent assortment means: (CHOOSE ONLY ONE)   A. homologous chromosomes segregate into daughter cells randomly and independently of one another.   B. only some chromosomes are duplicated, and which chromosomes are duplicated is random and independent of other chromosomes.   C. only one allele actually makes protein while the other is inactive, and the one […]


1) COMPARATIVE ANATOMY   HOMOLOGOUS STRUCTURES   There are many examples of body structures that are formed in similar ways during embryonic development and that share similar patterns of bone structure, even though they take on different forms and perform somewhat different functions. These structures are called homologous structures. Homo– means same, and –logous means information, so homologous means “same […]