
Explore the Career…

Explore the Career Toolbox                                                          Assignment: 3.6 Directions: Explore the career toolbox on your My Laurus Portal. https://mylaurus.lauruscollege.edu/local/info/career-toolbox.php Once logged in to your Laurus portal, click on the career toolbox option in the Home page.  Find the following: Department Steps to Success: (List the steps to success mentioned under your specific program. You can find these […]

This week we will explore the stepwise approach to treating…

This week we will explore the stepwise approach to treating patients with Asthma. You need to identify a patient from your own practice to use as example in your presentation. Below I included some thoughts on the assignment in blue text. I hope it will assist you with interpreting the question and in providing the […]

Explore what C. Wright Mills meant by “Sociological Imagination”…

Explore what C. Wright Mills meant by “Sociological Imagination” in The Promise of Sociology (Links to an external site.) (1959). Demonstrate your understanding of this concept by selecting an example from any current event (local, national, or global) of what someone might consider a “private trouble” that is also a public issue. Explain how that issue can be both personal […]

In this journal activity, you will explore perspectives on social…

In this journal activity, you will explore perspectives on social consciousness through the research of Jean Piaget, Daniel Goleman, and Carol Gilligan. You will have the opportunity to apply this topic to a situation that involves pay inequity. Scenario: As a sous-chef at an upscale restaurant, you loved your work. When your boss announced an […]

Explore the Healthy People 2030 framework, foundational principles…

Explore the Healthy People 2030 framework, foundational principles and objectives as well as the health promotion/education strategies. Make sure to cite all sources used in an APA bibliography at the end of your response.    Identify two ways that Healthy People 2030 differs from Healthy People 2020. Describe why these changes were made. Which Health […]

Read the material below to explore the Elaboration Likelihood Model…

Read the material below to explore the Elaboration Likelihood Model Theory. It is highly relevant for anyone contemplating a career in marketing, PR, editing, writing, and more. Next, complete exercises 1-3 in the ELM Group Exercise file. * Include the pictures or screenshots for your selected ads. Consider the differences between the central and peripheral […]

explore Baumrind’s four original parenting styles: Authoritative…

explore Baumrind’s four original parenting styles: Authoritative Authoritarian Neglectful indulgent identify three different parents each with a different parenting style. These can be people whom you know or they can be fictitious parents from a TV show or movie.  If you are using parents from a TV show or movie you should watch an episode […]

Explore the importance and significance of faith in Paul’s…

Explore the importance and significance of faith in Paul’s theology. Discuss how the teachings of Jesus influenced Paul’s understanding of faith. What impact does faith have on the modern church? How should Christians live in light of this doctrinal truth?

Overview In this assignment, you’ll explore how belief systems and…

Overview In this assignment, you’ll explore how belief systems and ethics relate to the humanities. Prompt Find a news report about an artifact from the humanities involved in religious controversy. Then, answer the questions below. Consider searching the religion section of CNN or similar sources. Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria: Provide a […]