Scenario You are a business analyst working at a small, domestic…


You are a business analyst working at a small, domestic organization that produces high-quality cell phone cases. Your organization has begun to see its sales flatten in the domestic market. While the organization is not losing money, leadership would like to explore options to continue to grow. One option that leadership has noticed competitors attempting is entering international markets.

You have been asked to examine the benefits, drawbacks, and key considerations for your organization to enter one of the global markets below, and summarize your findings in a business brief for leadership.

Continue to use your selected market from Milestone One. As a reminder, the options for international markets are:

  • Japan

If you would like to use another country for your final project please reach out to your instructor.


In this milestone, you will continue to use the Business Brief Template (located in the Guidelines for Submission section of this document) to complete Section Two. Use course resources as well as the INT 220 Library Guide to support your responses.

Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:

Market Profile: Explore and explain the cultural, political, and economic environment of your selected market to help inform future business decisions regarding expansion from the domestic market.

  1. Cultural Profile: Compare and contrast important cultural elements of your selected market against those in the domestic market, including communication, dimensions of culture, attitudes, common business etiquette and practices, and at least five other important aspects of culture.
  2. Political and Economic Profile: Compare and contrast important political and economic factors for your selected market against those in the domestic market, including political systems and ideologies, current leaders, economic measures or characteristics used in classification, and government intervention on trade.
  3. Legal and Regulatory Profile: Compare and contrast important legal and regulatory requirements of your selected market against those in the domestic market, including trade restrictions, regulations of products or services, legal processes for business transactions, and import restrictions or documentation.

Guidelines for Submission

Template: Business Brief
Submit the template as a 500 Microsoft Word document. Based on your milestones, you should have Sections One and Two completed. Sources should be cited according to APA style.



Directions (This section can be removed prior to submitting this as your final project in Module Seven):


Complete this template by replacing the bracketed text with the relevant information. Use evidence from course and outside resources to support your explanations. Be sure to use complete sentences to address each section of the template.


You will be working on this template throughout the course, progressing toward the submission of the completed template as your final project in Module Seven. For Milestone One, you will complete Section One of the template; for Milestone Two, you will complete Section Two of the template; and in Modules Sixand Seven, you will work to incorporate any feedback receivedon your prior milestone submissions, as well as work to complete Section Three of the template, before submitting the finalized template for your final project submission.


Section One: Drivers for Global Entry


Country Selection

[Insert the name of the country you have selected to use for your final project.]


Purpose of Global Expansion

[Explain key benefits of successful global expansion for domestic organizations.]


Business Impacts of Global Business

[Explain how global expansion of a domestic organization can impact business operations such as strategic planning, marketing, supply-chain management, human resources, and so on.]


Societal Impacts of Global Business

[Explain how the global expansion of organizations has impacted society, citing specific examples regarding culture, transportation, employment, infrastructure, and environmental climate.]


Cultural Considerations for Global Business

[Explain the importance of researching the culture of a potential global market prior to market entry, as well as key cultural considerations to explore to inform expansion decisions.]


Section Two: Market Profile


Cultural Profile

[Compare and contrast important cultural elements of your selected market against those in the domestic market, including communication, values and attitudes, cultural dimensions, and so on. You may fill in the chart below in order to use data and statistics to support your comparisons. Note that tables require only words, phrases, and/or numbers, not complete sentences.]



CategoryUnited States[Insert Country Selection From Course Project]
Commonly Spoken Languages[Insert information.][Insert information.]
Commonly Practiced Religions[Insert information.][Insert information.]
Power Distance Index (PDI)[Insert information.][Insert information.]
Individualism Versus Collectivism (IDV)[Insert information.][Insert information.]
Masculinity Versus Femininity (MAS)[Insert information.][Insert information.]
Uncertainty Avoidance Index (UAI)[Insert information.][Insert information.]
Long-Term Orientation Versus Short-Term Normative Orientation (LTO)[Insert information.][Insert information.]
Indulgence Versus Restraint (IVR)[Insert information.][Insert information.]


Political and Economic Profile

[Compare and contrast important political and economic factors for your selected market against those in the domestic market. Factors should include political systems and ideologies, current leaders, economic measures or characteristics used in classification, and government intervention on trade.]


CategoryUnited States[Insert Country Selection From Course Project]
Political System[Insert information.][Insert information.]
Current Leaders[Insert information.][Insert information.]
Economic Classification[Insert information.][Insert information.]
Economic Blocs Impacting Trade[Insert information.][Insert information.]
Gross Domestic Product[Insert information.][Insert information.]
Purchasing Power Parity[Insert information.][Insert information.]
Gross Domestic Product Per Capita[Insert information.][Insert information.]


Legal and Regulatory Profile

[Compare and contrast important legal and regulatory requirements of your selected market against those in the domestic market, including trade restrictions, regulations of products or services, legal processes for business transactions, and important restrictions or documentation.]


Section Three: Market Considerations


Monetary Considerations

[Explain how monetary considerations, such as currency, exchange rates, and exchange-rate management, would impact the organization’s decision to expand into your selected market, using current exchange rates between your selected country and the United States to support your explanations. Complete the table below to support your explanations using current exchange rates.]


CategoryThe U.S. Dollar[Insert Country Selection From Course Project’s Currency]
Exchange Rate[Insert information.][Insert information.]


Management and Logistics Considerations

[Explain management and logistics practices that best address human-resource considerations for your selected market, such as management approaches or staff and labor laws, and their impact on policies and procedures.]


Mode of Entry Considerations

[Describe advantages and disadvantages for traditional modes of entry that would be most appropriate for entering into your selected market.]




[Include any references you cited according to APA format.]

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