Respond to the discussions below in DETAIL and in ORDER by clicking the link and reading the bible passage below.
Discussion 1
- Describe three reasons why sin is present in the world today as seen in the assigned passages. Support each characteristic with at least ONE “quotation” from scripture.
- How might sin affect primary human relationships: with God, with other persons, with the environment [“the ground”], and with oneself?
Respond to the discussions below in DETAIL and in order by clicking the link and reading the bible passage below.
Discussion 2
- Describe three examples of different terms that the Bible uses to describe human sin, offering an opinion of how each separate one from God and other persons as seen in the assigned passages.
- Support each characteristic with at least ONE “quotation” from scripture.
- What might the awareness of how God views sins, even those accepted by the surrounding culture have to do with the manner in which we would order and live our lives?