Read the Interactive Session “CRM Helps Adidas Know Its Customers One Shoe Buyer at a Time” (page 355 in the print book) as well as the textbook information on CRM systems (about page 349-356). Answer the following questions. Be sure to support your positions with at least 1 external reference per question (minimum of 3 total) and provide a bibliography.
1. Is the CRM system used by Adidas more of an Operational CRM or an Analytical CRM? Support your position and defend it against the opposing position.
2. What data does Adidas need to determine CLTV (pg 354 of the print book) for their products? Could this change over the customer’s lifetime and what additional information might Adidas want to capture in anticipation of future changes? (suggest at least 2 additional pieces of data that aren’t mentioned in the case study)
3. Study Figure 9.9 CUSTOMER LOYALTY MANAGEMENT PROCESS MAP in the textbook (around page 353 in the print version). Is it a. fair and b. ethical for companies to treat customer’s requests for service differently as suggested in this model? What rights should customers have with regard to the data used in this process and evaluation? Be sure to answer both the fair and ethical components of this question and support both arguments. You are only required to have 1 external source and it can be for either component of the argument, however you are encouraged to use more than 1 external source as relevant to your submission. Also please adopt 1 of the 4 major stances listed below. Don’t adopt any other stance. This ensures that your peers should be reasonably expected to respond to the stance you adopt in your arguments.
Stances you can adopt for Question 3:
1. Fair and ethical
2. Fair but not ethical
3. Ethical but not fair
4. Neither fair nor ethical
You must post at least 1 initial discussion thread with at least 3 well-supported arguments advocating for your positions on the 3 questions related to his discussion.
– External references are required – a minimum of 3, but be sure to cite all references you use (other than the textbook – it is assumed you will use it)