Homicide    A killing that occurs during the course of a felony…



  1. A killing that occurs during the course of a felony is punished as murder.





2. Ava is planning to kill her brother because of her belief that life would be easier if he wasn’t around. Ava waits along her brother’s normal jogging route and attempts to shoot him in the back as he passes her, but she misses. If she was successful in her murder plot, which charge would be most appropriate?


involuntary manslaughter



second-degree murder



voluntary manslaughter



first-degree murder


3. David had just finished cleaning his gun on his front porch. He reloaded his gun and walked inside to throw his rag away, when the next door neighbor’s 5-year-old son walked over, picked up the gun, and shot himself. The boy died within minutes. What is the rule for depraved heart murder? Should David be found guilty of depraved heart murder? Why or why not?


4. Henry gets into a fight with his business partner Cecelia. Henry shoves Cecelia, and she hits her head against a brick wall and dies. The jury would likely decide that Henry has acted with ______ malice.














5. Corporations may not be held criminally liable in those cases that the conduct is performed or approved by corporate managers or officials.





6. Deliberation entails an intent to kill that is carried out in the heat of passion in furtherance of the design to kill.





7. Homicide in the course of which of the following crimes could qualify as misdemeanor manslaughter?














8. A husband threatened to beat his wife if she did not jump into a stream. She jumped into the stream, the current carried her away, and she was later found dead. The husband’s acts likely satisfy the actus reus for which criminal charge?














9. A killing of a police officer, more than one victim, murder for hire, and killing during a prison escape are all examples of what?



first-degree murder



practical considerations



mitigating factors



aggravating factors


10. A plea of nolo contendere means that a defendant does not admit guilt but accepts the punishment anyway.






  1. A mistake of law does not constitute a defense.





2. According to the irresistible impulse test, a defendant may be found legally insane even if they are able to tell right from wrong.





3. Critics contend that the insanity defense undermines the proper functioning of the criminal justice system.





4. For the defense of duress, there must be a threat of death or serious bodily harm that causes an individual to commit a crime.





5. A criminal intent need not necessarily exist at the same time as the criminal act.





6. A defendant has acted knowingly if they disregarded a serious risk.





7. A defendant is considered legally responsible for a victim’s injury or death that results from unforeseeable coincidental intervening acts.





8. A defendant who accidentally shoots the wrong person is punished as though they had hit the right person.





9. A person who buys discounted electronics from the back of a truck knowingly receives stolen property.





10. An example of knowledge of circumstances is to receive stolen property under mistaken facts.





 11. Circumstantial evidence alone is not enough to establish intent.





Explain why similar crimes committed with different levels of intent are punished differently.


13. In all cases where the defendant’s conduct is the factual cause of an injury or harm, the conduct is also necessarily ______.



the legal cause



cause in fact



the intervening cause



the proximate cause


14. Diamond works as a medical assistant and sells homemade muffins on the side. When she asks an online tax consultant, she is told that she does not have to report the income she made from her muffin business. This turns out to be incorrect, and Diamond is arrested for tax evasion. What is Diamond’s defense?



mistake of fact



mistake of law



unrelated events



due diligence


15. Elijah is carjacked. The carjacker forces Elijah into the passenger seat and makes Elijah assist him in robbing a back on threat of death. Elijah fears for the lives of himself and his loved ones. He decides to comply. If after the bank robbery, he is apprehended and charged with a crime, does he have and defenses available to him?



No, a reasonable person would not fear for their life.



Yes, he may utilize the duress defense.



Yes, he may utilize the insanity defense.



No, the threat was not imminent.


16. Greg is served a dessert at a friend’s house. After he eats it, he begins to hallucinate and attacks his friend with a fork. Greg turns out to be allergic to an ingredient in the dessert. Greg has experienced ______.



diminished capacity



pathological intoxication



mental defect



voluntary infoxication


17. A man threatens Vincent with torture and death if he does not kill the man’s estranged wife. Believing himself under imminent threat, Vincent attacks the woman and nearly kills her. Would Vincent be able to successfully utilize the defense of duress?



Yes, providing a reasonable person would have also been afraid in that situation.



Yes, because it is a subjective standard and he feared for his life.



Only if the other elements of the defense are met.



No, because of the special relationship possessed by the family members.



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