Final Project: Casey Anthony Case
Casey Anthony Case Study: Focus on Evidence in Case
Please type the answers below each point. Please let me know if you have any questions with this.
Read the article about some of the different pieces of evidence (Casey Anthony Evidence Reading) that
was going to be presented in court against Casey Anthony. For each piece of evidence determine what
the prosecution will try and show and how her defense team might discredit the evidence. Please let me
know if you have any questions with this.
1. Evidence that is “consistent with”
What prosecution will try and show:
How Anthony’s Defense attorney’s discredit evidence:
2. Identifying human hairs
What prosecution will try and show:
How Anthony’s Defense attorney’s discredit evidence:
3. The new science of odor analysis
What prosecution will try and show:
How Anthony’s Defense attorney’s discredit evidence:
4. Evidence of flesh-eating insects
What prosecution will try and show:
5. Human remains
What prosecution will try and show:
6. How Anthony’s Defense attorney’s discredit evidence:
6. Cyber-evidence
What prosecution will try and show:
How Anthony’s Defense attorney’s discredit evidence:
7. Partying Pictures/Lies:
What prosecution will try and show:
How Anthony’s Defense attorney’s discredit evidence: