- Describe the goals of the Black Panther Party. What did the Black Panthers offer?
- How did law enforcement organizations such as the FBI react to the Black Panthers and other Black nationalist organizations?
- Using the story of Robert F. Williams, describe the links between the Civil Rights Movement and the Black Power Movement.
- According to the video featuring Dr. Cornel West, African Americans have faced many challenges over the past 50 years. Describe some of these challenges.
- In the article “Martin Luther King Jr’s Vision of American Democracy” by Karen Cook-Bell, the author describes three stages of the African American experience. What are they?
I know this picture is depicting the Jay’s treaty, which was a…
I know this picture is depicting the Jay’s treaty, which was a peace treaty between the US and Great Britain. But, didn’t the colonists hate the treaty? Isn’t that why they’re referring to Jay and Washington as “Hang the cowards”? My question is, Why didn’t they like the treaty?