
4.1 Describe the history of Texas as a one-party state. Which party…

4.1 Describe the history of Texas as a one-party state. Which party dominates Texas politics, and what are the historical origins behind this dominance? What were some of the ramifications of one-party rule? What caused the rise of a two-party system in Texas? Compare and contrast with Arizona state. 

Think about the Boston Tea Party and imagine that you are living in…

Think about the Boston Tea Party and imagine that you are living in that pre-Revolutionary era.  You are working for a newspaper and you need to publish a article in which you characterize the colonists’ motives in the Boston Tea Party. Think of this from two perspectives.  First, examine it from the perspective of an English […]

Part 1: What does PPE stand for, and why is it important? Give an…

Part 1: What does PPE stand for, and why is it important?Give an example of 3 PPEs, and how you would use them for someone who may need CPR. Part 2: Please explain why High-Quality CPR, including early defibrillation, is so important.What are the five key elements that affect all chains of survival?

What was the effect of the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964…

What was the effect of the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 on public accommodations?       a. Some of the most blatant forms of discrimination in public accommodations, such as “White” and “Colored” signs on restrooms, were removed, and the federal government filed over 400 racial discrimination lawsuits against hotels, restaurants, […]

How does treating Black (and Native) history as an equal and…

How does treating Black (and Native) history as an equal and integral part of American history, frame our own understanding of US history through Reconstruction? Is Reconstruction the “Second Founding” of America, and what does that framing even mean? Requirements: -AT LEAST three chapters from Four Hundred Souls; from after 1794-1879. -At LEAST TWO Primary […]

The topic of the essay is: crime and corruption top problems in…

The topic of the essay is: crime and corruption top problems in emerging and developing countries References:   Crime and Corruption Top Problems in Emerging and Developing Countries   https://economics.mit.edu/sites/default/files/publications/120224%20Corruption%20Review%20Final.pdf   https://www.jstor.org/stable/41739187?seq=7#metadata_info_tab_contents   https://www.annualreviews.org/doi/10.1146/annurev-economics-080511-110917 

1st Amendment – Freedom of Religion Religion is a very important…

1st Amendment – Freedom of Religion Religion is a very important personal decision for many Americans – whether they actually practice such beliefs or not. Your role in this scenario will be as a small town judge attempting to uphold the law. Sometimes you will be protecting religious freedom & sometimes you will be limiting […]

When the Total Army Analysis (TAA) recommends the best mix of…

When the Total Army Analysis (TAA) recommends the best mix of forces for the Army, the process can best be described as     A. An operational decision, where the Chief of Staff of the Army chooses to accept risk within resource constraints     B. An operational decision, where the Chief of Staff of […]