
Confucius in Ancient China Full Video Description:  Confucius…

Confucius in Ancient China Full Video Description:  Confucius sought to return a chaotic and politically corrupt China to its ancient ways and developed teachings governing family relationships and obligations of ruler and ruled. This collection of short programs explores Confucius’ life, the development of his philosophy and its impact on ancient China.  explain write an […]

Meaning of this quote by Aristotle, It is evident that the polis…

Meaning of this quote by Aristotle, It is evident that the polis belongs to the class of things that exist by nature, and that man is by nature an animal intended to live in a polis. He who is without a polis, by reason of his own nature and not of some accident, is either […]

Describe a “ziggurat” and how it is different from an Egyptian…

Describe a “ziggurat” and how it is different from an Egyptian pyramid in shape, in purpose and in construction materials. How is cuneiform different from Egyptian hieroglyphics? Describe either the Sumerian lyre from Ur or the stele of Naram Sin. Be sure to include dimension and material(s) with which it is made.

What democracy meant to the Athens? The day sparta fell? How Athens…

What democracy meant to the Athens? The day sparta fell? How Athens geography helped them trade and develop democracy?  the civil war with sparta how the herons turned on the kings? How herons could have land but could not leave in sparta? The development that led up to the Peloponnesian war (the war between Athens […]

Why was Julius Caesar assassinated by his Senatorial rivals on the…

Why was Julius Caesar assassinated by his Senatorial rivals on the Ides of March, 44 BCE, even after he had rewarded the very men that killed him with high offices and plum political positions under his “perpetual” Dictatorship? What specific factors and events motivated the killers? Did they have a political program of their own […]

Partition of the Ottoman Empire: Read any commentary that your…

Partition of the Ottoman Empire: Read any commentary that your professor has provided, the relevant primary and secondary sources, and the definitions and identifications relating to the Treaty of Lausanne. Summarize the key elements of the Treaty of Lausanne, and assess the significance of the collapse of the Ottoman Empire, the partition of its lands, […]

When and why did Safavid Shah Abbas I make Isfahan his capital? …

When and why did Safavid Shah Abbas I make Isfahan his capital?    How did the process of transforming Isfahan under Abbas differ from the process of transforming Constantinople under Mehmed II? In particular, think about how Abbas treated the old city of Isfahan, which had been a Seljuk imperial capital, versus how Mehmed treated […]

What is the significance of Rome’s geographic location on the…

What is the significance of Rome’s geographic location on the Italian peninsula? How might it be advantageous to conquest and expansion? How did Rome deal with the problem of political succession after Augustus? Identify and explain at least two significant changes that occurred before Constantine. Refer to “Ancient Rome” by Dunstan and “Ancient Rome: From […]