CASE 7 PROCEDURE PERFORMED: Amniocentesis. INDICATIONS: The patient is a 28 year-old G4 P2103 at 36 weeks, here in the office today for amniocentesis for FLM secondary to Rh isoimmunization to D antigen. Following informed consent she elected to proceed with the amniocentesis. PROCEDURE: An ultrasound was carried out that revealed a single intrauterine gestation of 36+2 weeks in vertex presentation. A site for amniocentesis was identified in the left upper uterine segment which did not transgress the placenta and a image was retained for the record. The amniocentesis site was sterilely prepped and draped with a sterile towel and an alcohol based solution. Following this using direct ultrasound guidance a 22-gauge amniocentesis needle was sharply inserted in the amniotic fluid cavity. This returned clear amniotic fluid. 20 cc was easily aspirated and 10cc sent for FLM and 10cc held for possible OD450 if needed. The patient tolerated the procedure very well and normal fetal cardiac activity was seen following the procedure. The patient will be sent for a follow-up NST. Rhogam is not indicated as the patient is already sensitized. What are the CPT® and ICD-10-CM codes? CPT® codes: [a], [b] ICD-10-CM codes: [c], [d] | ||||||||||
I am missing something in this as I am marked as this has a wrong component in the billing answer. Can you see where I went wrong?