Business Communication: Process & Product
9th Edition
Chapter 11. Reporting in the Digital Age Workplace
In a brief Report (Informal,Informational, Direct), Summarize the Key Points of chapter 11
- Your target audience is your classmates
- Use heading and bullets to make this report easy to read.
- Don’t overuse bullets, it still must read well.
- In your report, please cover:
- Explain the types and differences for reports
- Formal and Informal
- Direct and Indirect
- Informational and Analytical
- Formats
- Periodic, and non-periodic
- fill in the blank
Report Type | I=Informal F=Formal | D=Direct I=Indirect | I=Informational A=Analytical | E=eMail M=Memo P=Printed/Bound | Periodic Non-periodic |
Monthly Sales Report | I | D | I | E | P |
Annual Report for a corporation |
Proposal for a grant |
Business Plan |
Report to your boss on the ROI of purchasing a new factory production machine |
Environmental Impact Report |
Project Plan |
Part 1 – 2.5 points 3×3 Process Pre-writing –
- Put the assignment name “Chapter 11 Summary”
- Answer these Questions:
- What is the Purpose or Objective of this message?
- What Channel would you choose for this message and why?
- Who is the primary audience what do you know about him/her?
- What does the receiver already know?
- How can you adapt your message to achieve your objective?
Part 1 – 2.5 points Outline your message-
- In the same word file, do a 3-Level Outline of your message
- Report Outline – Informal, Informational, Direct (this is the first level of your outline)
- Introduction
- Finding – summary of key points of Chapter 11 as shown below
- Summary – quickly summarize the key points of this report
Part 2 – 5 points Draft your message-
- In the same word file, make aDraft of your message
- Base this on your Outline
- Make sure it is paragraphed message and uses heading and/or bullets to make it easier to read