Bill Nye: Atmosphere Video Worksheet
- If you think of our atmosphere as an ocean, we live on the ___bottom___.
- The atmosphere acts as a ___blankets____ to keep the Earth warm.
- What is the name of the lowest and thickest layer of the atmosphere? ___
The troposphere___
- The lower the _____________, the higher the _____________.
- Where is the lowest point in North America? _____________
- At the top of the mountains the pressure is always _____________.
- List the “Fantastic 5” layers of the atmosphere.
- ___________ sphere
- ___________ sphere
- ___________ sphere
- ___________ sphere
- ___________ sphere
- In which layer do we (humans) live in? ___________ sphere
- Why is it colder in the mountains than in lower elevations? _____________
- The rate of cooling as you increase in elevation is called the _____________.
- When an atmosphere keeps a planet warm, it is called the _____________ effect.
- Why are greenhouses warm? _____________
- When sulfur from burning coal gets into the air it makes _____________ rain.
- The troposphere is only _________ km thick. That’s __________ times around a regular track.
- The troposphere is the part of the atmosphere where we have ___________