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Assignment: Requested Analysis of Competition The traditional university who is your client has come to you with a problem. Apparently, a


Requested Analysis of Competition

The traditional university who is your client has come to you with a problem. Apparently, a number of students in the last several years have left the university in pursuit of several prominent online universities which have boasted a much quicker pathway towards degree attainment. They have promised less expensive degrees, more responsive faculty, and any time learning that is much more convenient to the end user. The alumni association has learned about this emerging trend and has become quite frustrated. Simply put, they don’t understand why the university isn’t maintaining the position of competitiveness in this change. To that end, the university president has asked that you come up with a PowerPoint presentation which provides an overview for dealing with the competition of these cheaper more flexible options. Your presentation is to give these prominent alumni an overview of the challenge and an idea about the steps that they could potentially take to be responsive to this change. Your presentation should include the following:

Component 1: Introduction: Provide an overview of the state of traditional higher education institutions and articulate why online and other innovative schooling options have been steadily emerging as an attractive option to potential students.

Component 2: Articulate the things that universities are doing wrong that have led to the prominence of these competitors.

Component 3: Identify the steps that universities are taking to be more competitive with these emerging, online, and otherwise creative competitors who continue to try to establish market share.

Component 4: Conclusion: Offer a synthesis of the major points made thus far in the presentation.          

Your presentation should completely answer all the questions for each bullet point. Use clear headings that allow your professor to know which bullet you are addressing on the slides in your presentation. Support your content with at least three (3) citations throughout your presentation. Make sure to reference the citations using the APA writing style for the presentation. Include a reference slide at the end. PowerPoint must be at 10-12 slides total. Follow best practices for PowerPoint presentations related to test size, color, images, effects, wordiness, and multimedia enhancements.

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