#5. Which type of growth curve is a more realistic and accurate representation of real-world populations found in nature? Explain why. (5 points)
#6. Limiting factors.
a. Define the term limiting factors? (2 points)
b. List three examples of limiting factors. (3 points)
#7. Define carrying capacity. (5 points)
#8. Population distributions.
a. Describe the three types of distributions that a population may follow. (3 points)
b. Based on the random sampling calculation, which type of distribution would be most accurately estimated by using random sampling? Explain the response. (5 points)
#9. Based on the simulated coral counts, fill in the following data from Table A:
a. total number of corals: _________________ (2 points)
b. average per grid: ______________________ (2 points)
c. total number of coral on the reef: ____________________ (2 points)