2. Name five types of mensurations.
3. Explain why and when a patient’s height and weight are measured.
4. Identify the four vital signs and the body functions they measure.
5. Identify the average normal temperature for aural, axillary, oral, temporal, and
rectal measurement.
6. Convert among measurement systems.
7. Calculate BMI.
8. Convert between Celsius and Fahrenheit.
9. Identify normal pulse rates.
10. Identify factors that affect pulse rates.
11. Identify five pulse sites.
12. Explain indications for apical pulse measurement.
13. Describe normal respiration.
14. Explain abnormal breathing patterns.
15. Describe the appropriate equipment for obtaining blood pressure.
16. Describe the actions occurring during the two phases of blood pressure.
17. Identify normal and abnormal blood pressure.
18. Identify factors that affect blood pressure.