1. What is the definition of fiber? What is the difference between dietary and functional fiber?
2. Name ten types of fiber and classify them as dietary or functional. Could fiber be both? Give examples
3. Name 2 or 3 examples of functional fibers used in food products sold today? What products are they?
4. What are the three ways that fibers are often classified (described)? Describe each classification.
5. What are the general properties of soluble fibers?
6. What are the general properties of insoluble fibers?
7. the different pathways fiber can take. Describe how fiber may relate to health impact? the different properties of fiber.
9. What does fermentation mean? And, what are two benefits of fermented fibers?
10. There is no gold standard for testing the fermentability of a fiber. Why? What are 2 reasons? (Pg 115)
11a. What is a prebiotic? Define it and give examples of food names.
what is dietary fiber, and some that are functional fiber.
11b. Describe three ways SCFA production may benefit health.
12. The impact of fiber on health is really (really) challenging to study in humans. Why?
a. Think about the definition of fiber.
b. Think about the foods fiber is in.
13. Why are fibers indigestible to us? Draw a fiber molecule and a glucose molecule on polysaccharide digestion.
14. give an example of a day that contains the recommended amount of dietary fiber for a 2,000 kcal diet.
15. the Nutrition Facts Panel (NFP) and ingredients list of a fiber of a bag of frozen vegetables, and a can of black beans. How much fiber is in each? What are the sources of dietary fiber for each?