1.(True or False) The Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis states that the structure of a language affects its speaker’s world view or cognition, and because it does have an affect on a person’s cognition, it shapes a person’s perceptions of reality relative to his or her spoken language. There are three versions of the Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis.
1) A strong version: Language determines thought.
2) A weak version: Language influences thought.
3) Linguistic relativity: Language shapes thought.
2.(True or False) The Navaho classification for objects is a covert one.
3.(True or False). Franz Boas is associated with historical particularism, which was a response to diffusionist and early cultural evolutionism theories.
4.(True or False) Cultural Materialists believe that all societies operate according to a model in which production and reproduction dominate and determine the other sectors (elements) of culture. In other words, cultural materialists believe that technology and economic aspects play the primary role in shaping society.
5.(True or False) Culture is inherited.
6.(True or False) People think in language. Language is symbolic and symbols are arbitrary.
7.(True or False) A Phoneme is the minimal unit of meaning where as a morpheme is the minimal unit of sound. The letter “S” can be both a morpheme and a phoneme.
8.(True or False) Primates have as part of their communication the aspect of displacement.
9.True or False) Culture and Society are not the same thing.
10.(True or False) The Sapir‟s linguistic relativity hypothesis can be stated as follows:
a) The language we speak and think in shapes the way we perceive the world; and
b) The existence of the various language systems implies that the people who think in these different languages do not perceive the world differently.