1.Presidential powers include all of the following except Firing…

1.Presidential powers include all of the following except

  1. Firing Supreme Court judges.
  2. Pardoning criminals.
  3. Vetoing Congressional legislation.
  4. Appointing Cabinet members.


2.When the President has the power to avoid any direct action on a legislative bill and is able to just “let it die” if the Congress adjourns for the term, this is known as a 

  1. Veto.
  2. Pocket Veto.
  3. Line-item Veto.
  4. None of the above.


3.All of the following Presidents relied heavily on the Hierarchical/Chain of Command Model in their staff management style except

  1. Carter.
  2. Eisenhower.
  3. Nixon.
  4. Reagan.


4.Besides breaking tie votes in the U.S. Senate, Vice Presidents have also served as

  1. Policy advisors.
  2. Campaign “attack dogs” for the President.
  3. Ceremonial stand-ins for the White House.
  4. All of the above.


5.The most recent Vice President to take the Presidential office through an election or a Presidential vacancy is

  1. Mike Pence.
  2. Gerald Ford.
  3. George H. W. Bush (Bush Sr.).
  4. Lyndon Johnson.


6.Public perceptions of government bureaucrats include all of the following except

  1. Bureaucrats are friendly, flexible, and efficient.
  2. Bureaucrats are constrained by “red tape” standard operating procedures.
  3. Bureaucrats are cold and impersonal, often treating people “like a number.”
  4. Bureaucrats are largely unaccountable and inefficient.


7.The very nature of bureaucracy is often characterized by all of the following except 

  1. Bureaucracy tends to have a strong specialization of labor.
  2. Bureaucracy tends to be a large hierarchical organization.
  3. Bureaucracy usually contains many rules governing its actions.
  4. Bureaucracy tends to be a small group of people with overlapping roles.


8.Which of the following actions is not something bureaucratic agencies would do?

  1. Implement laws passed by Congress and the President.
  2. Declare laws passed by the Congress and the President unconstitutional.
  3. Regulate private sector industries.
  4. Adjudicate (pass judgment) in certain areas where businesses have violated the law.


9.An example of a Government Corporation that provides services to the public is

  1. Amtrak.
  2. The United States Postal Service.
  3. Both A and B.
  4. Neither A nor B.


10.The Pendleton Act reformed the Federal Bureaucracy from the Spoils System to a Merit Civil Service after the assassination of President

  1. Lincoln.
  2. Garfield.
  3. McKinley.
  4. Kennedy.


11.The four oldest Cabinet departments, sometimes referred to as the “inner Cabinet,” are

  1. State, Defense (War), Treasury, and Justice.
  2. Agriculture, Commerce, Education, and Health & Human Services.
  3. Labor, Interior, Transportation, and Veterans’ Affairs.
  4. Energy, Homeland Security, Housing & Urban Development, and State.


12.By appointing his brother, Robert, as Attorney General, President Kennedy was heavily influenced by the bureaucratic recruitment factor of

  1. Washington insider experience.
  2. Symbolic or demographic representation.
  3. Personal loyalty and previous experience as a staff member.
  4. Clientele connections.


13.In Political Science terminology, to “marry the natives” means that

  1. Illegal immigrants are taking American citizens as spouses.
  2. Cabinet members are prioritizing their department agenda over the President’s plans.
  3. Former government officials are now serving as lobbyists for interest groups.
  4. MC’s are focusing on constituency service over serving the nation as a whole.


14.To provide the President with more staff advisors to handle the national government’s expanding agenda, the Executive Office of the President was created in the 

  1. 1790’s.
  2. 1960’s.
  3. 1990’s.
  4. 1930’s.




15.If the President and/or the Congress analyze every single budget dollar requested by a government agency, they are engaging in

  1. Zero-Based Budgeting.
  2. Incremental Budgeting.
  3. Both A and B.
  4. Neither A nor B.


16. If two states have a border dispute with each other, the court having (original) jurisdiction over this case is

  1. The Federal District Court.
  2. The Federal Circuit Court.
  3. The U. S. Supreme Court.
  4. The two states’ Supreme Courts.


17.An excellent example of Stare Decisis in which the U. S. Supreme Court upheld a previous court’s decision is in

  1. Brown v. Board of Education.
  2. Bush v. Gore.
  3. Both A and B.
  4. Neither A nor B.


18. What factors might a President take into account when selecting federal judges?

  1. Party identification and political ideology.
  2. Specific issue stands and previous judicial experience.
  3. Age, race, and gender.
  4. All of the above.


19.Once confirmed by the United States Senate, U. S. Supreme Court justices serve

  1. For life.
  2. For as long as the President who appoints them remains in office.
  3. For 12-year renewal terms.
  4. For 15-year terms.


20.In order to call up a case from a lower court and review it, how many U. S. Supreme Court justices are required to grant this Writ of Certiorari?

  1. Five—a simple majority.
  2. Four—the Rule of Four.
  3. Nine—a unanimous decision.
  4. Six—a 2/3 majority.


21In order to overturn a lower court’s decision, the U. S. Supreme Court needs a

  1. Majority vote (5-4).
  2. 2/3 Majority vote (6-3).
  3. Unanimous vote (9-0).
  4. The U. S. Supreme Court may not overturn lower court decisions.


22.A U. S. Supreme Court justice who votes with the winning side but for different reasons may write 

  1. Majority Opinion.
  2. Dissenting Opinion.
  3. Concurring Opinion.
  4. None of the above.


23.The 1803 case of Marbury v. Madison officially established

  1. Plea Bargaining.
  2. Judicial Review.
  3. Stare Decisis.
  4. The Adversarial Process in court cases.


24.Usually supporters of Judicial Restraint would most likely prefer judges to adopt a

  1. Loose Constructionist approach to judicial interpretation.
  2. Position of assertive action when other government branches fail to address issues.
  3. Strict Constructionist approach to judicial interpretation.
  4. Both A and B.


25. Checks on the U. S. Supreme Court may include

  1. The President and Senate appointing new judges opposed to the current Court views.
  2. Other government branches failure to enforce Court decisions.
  3. The Congress and the state legislatures amending the U. S. Constitution.
  4. All of the above.

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