1. Please explain Vatz’s response to Bitzer’s theory of the Rhetorical Situation. Use your own words
-Vatz theory: “The myth of the rhetorical situation”. Was written as a response to Bitzer’s “rhetorical situation”.
-Vatz refers to Bitzer’s rhetorical situation. As not real. – Bitzer has it backwards. -Situations don’t invite rhetoric. – Rhetoric creates the situation.
-Vatz Definition of rhetoric: The art of linguistically or symbolically creating salience.
Bitzer’s theory of rhetorical situation:
I. Definition of Rhetorical situation: A situation made up of persons, events, objects and relations and an exigence which strongly invites utterance. The situation invites the rhetoric into existence.
-3 components of Bitzer’s rhetorical situation:
1. . Exigence: “an imperfection marked by urgency; it is a defect, an obstacle, something waiting to be done, a thing which is other than it should be. The Exigence in question must be capable of modification.
2. Audience: Must be capable of acting in response to the exigence.
3. Constraints: – Factors both limiting and enabling the rhetor as arguments and appeals are discovered, arranged, and delivered to the rhetorical audience. – Are factors that set a practical limit for a rhetorician during the inventional process. – The Boundaries within which rhetoric is both created and advanced.
A contrast of the Bitzer/Vatz view of Rhetoric.
1. Rhetoric is situational. 2. Exigences strongly invites utterance. 3. Situation controls the R’s Response. 4. Rhetoric obtains its character from the Situation which generates it.
Vatz: 1. Situations are rhetorical. 2. Utterance strongly invites salience. 3. The rhetoric controls the situational response. 4. Situations obtain there character from the rhetoric that surrounds them or creates them