“1.Go to the Martindale-Hubbell online directory and find the listing for the law firm to which Gerry Spence belongs.a.What is the name of the law firm?
b.When was the firm initiated?
c.What areas of practice is the firm involved in other than those in which Mr. Spence is active?
d.Where does the firm have offices?
2 .Go to the online West Lawyer Directory (at the web address given before question
1), and look for Gerry Spence. What additional information do you find about him that you did not find at Martindale-Hubbell?3.Go to the Legal Industry Directory and USA Law Attorney Directory (at the web addresses given before question
1) and look up one of the areas in which Gerry Spence practices. In which of these directories do you find a listing for Mr. Spence under his area of practice?”