1. DRI, a set of guidelines for nutrient intake standards, stands for Daily Required Intakes. true or false
2. Which components of the DRI identify the quantities of various nutrients a person requires to optimize health, prevent deficiency diseases, and avoid consuming too much of any nutrient?
a. RDA, EER, and AMDR
b. EER and AMDR
c. EAR, RDA, AI, and UL
d. , UL, and EER
3. Which components of the DRI identify the quantities of various nutrients a person requires to optimize health, prevent deficiency diseases, and avoid consuming too much of any nutrient?
Group of answer choices
C. EAR, RDA, AI, and UL
D. AI, UL, and EER
4. Which component of the DRI reflects the requirement of a nutrient for 50 percent of healthy Americans and Canadians in a specific life stage and gender?
Group of answer choices
A. RDA (Recommended Dietary Allowance)
B. EAR (Estimated Average Requirement)
C. AI (Adequate Intake)
D. UL (Tolerable Upper Intake Level)
Question 6
Which component of the DRI reflects the requirement of a nutrient for 50 percent of healthy Americans and Canadians in a specific life stage and gender?
Group of answer choices
A. RDA (Recommended Dietary Allowance)
B. EAR (Estimated Average Requirement)
C. AI (Adequate Intake)
D. UL (Tolerable Upper Intake Level)
Question 7
The average number of calories needed each day to maintain current body weight is called the __________.
Group of answer choices
A. UL (Tolerable Upper Intake Level)
B. EER (Estimated Energy Requirement)
C. AI (Adequate Intake)
D. AMDR (Average Macronutrient Distribution Range)
Question 8
The average number of calories needed each day to maintain current body weight is called the __________.
Group of answer choices
A. UL (Tolerable Upper Intake Level)
B. EER (Estimated Energy Requirement)
C. AI (Adequate Intake)
D. AMDR (Average Macronutrient Distribution Range)