1. Define utopia and different views of utopian society from different authors and/or political pundits. 2. Describe your definition of a utopian society. 3. Is a vision of a utopian society necessary? 4. Is achievement of a utopian society attainable? 5. Identify major books/films on utopian society. 6. Define political theory. 7. Examine existing political theories. 8. How does your personal worldview influence which political theory you believe is most likely to lead to achieving a utopian society? 9. How does your personal political ideologies and worldview help lead to the achievement of the American dream? 10. How does the utopian society you described relate to the achievement of the American dream?
HOW Force Management processes were done post-Vietnam vs. today’s…
HOW Force Management processes were done post-Vietnam vs. today’s or processes? Using one of the Big Five to execute a comparison. The paper is about the way (how, processes) the Army went about executing change, how that is different today (comparison), and why the differences matter (analysis). – Introduction (a